10 Disappointing Films That Let Us Down The Most in 2012

2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Ian McKellen as Gandalf in The Hype: Remember those Lord of the Rings movies? How'sabout a prequel? Would you like that? Of course you would. The Reality: Urrrghhhh, why did this have to be a trilogy? Why? It's one little book. It's good as it is. It doesn't have to be a trilogy. Peter Jackson has fallen in love with bloat, so in love with this world that he overindulges, devouring all runtime until he explodes all over the audience. Every single scene in this movie goes on for too long. Whole swaths could be cut out without hurting anything. What makes it hurt even more is that there's still wonder and whimsy and fun and excitement in this world. It's all just smothered underneath the fat.
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Dan Schindel loves movies more than you do. He considers it an accomplishment to have survived a year and counting in Los Angeles. Someday, he'll be the greatest critic in the world. He spent a year watching a documentary every day, so now he knows everything.