10 Disgraceful Actor Egos That Ruined Movies

1. Val Kilmer (Yet Again) & Marlon Brando– The Island Of Dr Moreau

Val Kilmer Batman Forever
New Line Cinema

You may have noticed that there’s a pattern emerging here – namely that Val Kilmer has something of a reputation on-set. So could there possibly be anything worse than working with Kilmer, you're probably asking? The answer is yes and that’s by throwing fellow notoriously difficult actor Marlon Brando into the mix.

To be fair, the production of The Island of Dr Moreau was beset by problems from the get-go with original director Richard Stanley fired three days into filming, actors being dropped and new ones drafted in, script rewrites and a whole load of other issues. But a major spanner in the works was Kilmer and Brando’s ridiculously diva-like behaviour.

Kilmer demanded his shooting schedule be reduced significantly resulting in him switching to a smaller supporting role and was so unpleasant that replacement director John Frankenheimer refused to ever work with him again. Meanwhile Brando refused to learn his lines and instead had them fed to him via earpiece and even more bizarrely insisted on wearing an ice bucket on his head during one scene.

No wonder it’s considered one of the most disastrous productions in film history.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.