10 Disgraceful Actor Egos That Ruined Movies

5. Val Kilmer (Again) - Batman Forever

Val Kilmer Batman Forever
Warner Bros.

It’s one thing to come to blows with your co-star but instigating a quarrel with the head honcho on set (the director) is another thing entirely. But that’s exactly what Val Kilmer did on the set of 1995’s Batman Forever.

After director Joel Schumacher got wind that Kilmer was behaving like a diva and being rude to crew members, he rightly gave him a good dressing down which resulted in Kilmer having a childish hissy fit and refusing to talk to Schumacher for two whole weeks.

Kilmer and Schumacher’s tiff probably wasn't the only reason Batman Forever turned out so shoddy – in fact, Schumacher later described those two weeks of the Kilmer cold shoulder treatment as “bliss” – but a lack of communication between star and director and moreover Kilmer’s gross unprofessionalism no doubt contributed to its downfall.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.