10 Disgraceful Actor Egos That Ruined Movies

4. Jamie Foxx - Miami Vice

Val Kilmer Batman Forever

Still riding high on the ego trip of having won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in music biopic Ray, Jamie Foxx rocked up to the set of Michael Mann’s big screen adaptation of his quintessentially 80s TV show Miami Vice and started issuing demands left, right and centre.

Co-star Colin Farrell was allegedly forced to take a pay cut when Foxx insisted on a bigger fee and he forced Universal Studios to hire a private jet to fly him everywhere. According to crew members, Foxx also claimed to be afraid of boats and planes and refused to participate in scenes involving them which is unfortunate for a film like Miami Vice that features a tonne of boats in it and a tad hypocritical considering he just made Universal splash out on a private jet.

Granted, some of the on-set drama wasn’t all Foxx’s fault. While filming in the Dominican Republic a gunfight broke out ending with one of the production’s security guards getting injured, after which Foxx refused to film any scenes outside of the US. An understandable reaction but one that forced Mann to rewrite the ending of the film which resulted in what many of the crew felt was an inferior climax.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.