10 Disgraceful Actor Egos That Ruined Movies

3. Lindsay Lohan - The Canyons

Val Kilmer Batman Forever
IFC films

By the time Lindsay Lohan was cast in the Bret Easton Ellis penned erotic thriller The Canyons her career was in a firmly downward spiral thanks in part to her reputation, so you’d think the once successful child star would be glad she was at least working and might think twice about squandering the opportunity.

But squander it she did. Even though filming only lasted for three weeks, Lohan couldn’t muster up enough professionalism to turn up on time to script read throughs and shoots and basically held the production hostage by hanging over director Paul Schrader’s head the fact that she was the movie’s main star power and therefore indispensable despite her bad behaviour.

At one point during the filming of a nude scene she was contractually obliged to do, Lohan demanded the crew get naked too so they were all on an equal footing. Yeah, that’s probably not what the gofer intern signed up for, Lindsay.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.