6. The Nose Hose - Drag Me To Hell

Director Sam Raimi is no stranger to graphic violence. Just take a gander at his Evil Dead trilogy. Thats probably why his horror movie fans were rather disconcerted when they found out his latest foray into the horror genre would be released with a PG-13 rating. However, a wonderfully goofy and thrilling movie about a bank worker who is cursed by a gypsy woman, Drag Me to Hell features all of Sam Raimis trademark weirdness; and plenty of shocking moments. There are gross bodily fluids being splashed around but none as gory as the moment when our heroines nose starts bleeding. It drips at first until a shockingly bloody geyser of Old Faithful proportions is unleashed from her nostrils and onto her dumbfounded boss. Awkward! Its a decidedly graphic and hilarious moment no one probably would have expected in a PG-13 rated thriller. Its a classic Raimi moment of gore.