10 Disney Animated Deaths That Scarred You For Life

7. Bing Bong (Inside Out)

Bing Bong Death

Inside Out, like a lot of Pixar efforts, is all about maturing, growing up, and letting go of the past. In a way, that makes Bing Bong's death almost necessary to keep the plot moving, but that doesn't make is any less impactful.

Technically, he doesn't 'die', but his fate is arguably worse than a traditional death would actually be. Trapped in the recesses of Riley's mind, Bing Bong and Joy attempt to escape by piloting a makeshift rocket out of the pit in which they're trapped. Sadly, Bing Bong quickly realises that his weight is slowing them down and sacrificies himself so Joy can make it to safety, before fading into nothingness and disappearing from Riley's memory.

Bing Bong is literally wiped from existence in an instant. Every happy memory he shared with Riley, every happy memory she shared with him, all gone, like they never even happened at all. As a whole, Inside Out forces you to ponder how your emotions dictate your everyday life, and this scene will make you ponder that sense of fun you may have had to abandon - represented by Bing Bong's death - in the pursuit of a stable adult life. Didn't expect that in a Disney movie, eh?


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.