10 Disney Movie Mistakes You Can't Unsee

6. Nala's Eyes - The Lion King

Tangled Mistake

Despite the fact Disney have churned out masterpiece after masterpiece over the last 25 years, many people still believe The Lion King is the greatest animated film ever. (The first one, not the recent one. Dear God, not the recent one.)

The songs are catchy, the voice-cast is masterful, and the animation was ground-breaking. You know that moment where Simba looks in horror at the approaching wildebeests? That single shot took one year to draw. ONE YEAR! That's the attention to detail we are talking about when it comes to this movie.

The big question is this; how can the animators be this talented but none of them noticed Nala's eyes change colour? In all the time it took to make this film, not one single person noticed that Nala as a cub has green eyes while adult Nala has blue eyes.

But in some shots, adult Nala's eyes change to green before switching back to blue. Some viewers argue that her eyes only seem to switch colours because of the lighting but this effect doesn't happen with any other character.

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