10 Disney+ Star Wars Shows That Disney Need To Make

8. Maul And The Crimson Dawn

Darth Vader Inquisitor

Solo: A Star Wars Story, while not perfect or even a great Star Wars movie, was immensely fun. Amongst that fun was a fantastic performance by Donald Glover, fan fare galore and an awful explanation of Han's iconic surname.

Oh, and the reveal that Maul had once again risen to an underworld mastermind and criminal leader of a group called the crimson dawn. While a Solo sequel seems unlikely for the near future, this story quite simply must be told.

Maul is one of Star Wars' greatest and most fascinating characters. The character has earned his own series with Ray Parks physical presence and Sam Witwer's perfect voice acting.

A look into the Star Wars Underworld coupled with the layered character of Maul becoming a crime boss would be phenomenal.

This series writes itself and simply just needs to be put in motion. Bring in Qi'ra, explore the crimson dawn journey as being born from the shadow collective from The Clone Wars, let Maul have real, live action dialogue and badass lightsabre skills and kills on show. A TV show for all fans to drool over.

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