10 Disney+ Star Wars Shows That Disney Need To Make

7. Boba Fett

Darth Vader Inquisitor

Overrated, underutilised, wasted, badass character with a bad as role. All criticisms commonly thrown at one of the galaxies best bounty hunters. But, all are criticisms ready to be quenched.

Boba is seen in The Clone Wars, growing up and dealing with the loss of his father, venturing into the criminal world. Let's have a series further exploring his maturation as a bounty hunter and his dealings with his demons.

Venturing through the galaxy with allies such as Bossk on his badass slave one ship, collecting bounties, encountering Han and Chewie, being hired by Vader to hunt down Luke. Let's see it all from Revenge Of The Sith all the way to his appearance in Empire Strikes Back.

Yes, The Mandalorian may just be a stand in for this show. But even if similar, Boba Fett still deserves his own arc, his own story that stretches further than what we have seen already. Disney have the intelligence to not make two identical series' and just change the character.

The chance to redeem a character that is not held in high esteem by a large portion of the fan base with a show with such high potential is a deal which is hard not to take.

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Rhys McGinley hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.