10 Disney+ Star Wars Shows That Disney Need To Make

5. Vader And The Inquistors

Darth Vader Inquisitor

Darth Vader hunting the remnants of the Jedi order following the execution of order 66 along with his inquisitors while at the peak of his emotional torment, mental anguish and raw physical power. Every Star Wars fan's dream to see on screen.

This would fit a movie, but a series opens more avenues and allows for more telling of a deserving story. Plus a TV show allows a smoother transition from what has been seen in the comics, The Forced Unleashed and the glimpses in Rebels.

The potential jaw dropping images of Vader striking down enemies across multiple planets, flanked by his troopers are irresistible to think about. It would be more than that of course. It would be an insight into the psyche of Vader, a development of his character as his emotion and mental state unravel behind a strong demeanour on screen.

Arguably the greatest character in Star Wars, Vader is a character that must be handled with the utmost care. A carefully crafted Disney+ show with the right crew could birth one of the greatest pieces of Star Wars content ever.

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