10 Disney+ Star Wars Shows That Disney Need To Make

4. Scum And Villainy

Darth Vader Inquisitor
20th Century Fox

"Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." One of many iconic quotes and one that when you dive into, inspires intrigue more than most.

With such a multitude of planets and species known of in the Star Wars universe an exploration of the criminal underworld belongs on a Disney+ series.

Whether it be by examining the inner workings of the Hutt cartels, the day-to-day ins and outs of bounty hunters or a look into the shifty characters seen from cantina to cantina, planet to planet.

Mos Eisley and Tatooine need not be the only location the show goes to. Nor does the time of the Empire and Rebellion need to be the only time setting.

The show could venture into the corrupt underworld of Coruscant during the clone wars, the deplorable lower levels of Taris at the time of the old republic, the Hutt space on planets such as Nal Hutta, Nimban or Toydaria and a plenitude of others across the outer rim and the unknown regions across the span of thousands of years.

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