10 Disney+ Star Wars Shows That Disney Need To Make

3. Doctor Aphra

Darth Vader Inquisitor

A name not known to the casual Star Wars fan, Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra is a fascinating character whose stories and adventures oozes TV series potential.

An archaeologist exploring the galaxy in hiding from Darth Vader (following the events of her time in the 2015 Darth Vader comic run in which she was introduced), and seeking to pay back a debt owed to a powerful Wookie. A transfer from comic run to TV series is a must.

Exploring the character of Aphra, alongside her two darkly comedic droids 0-0-0 and BT-1 would be phenomenal. She would be the Indiana Jones of Star Wars. Across the galaxy adventures, collecting artefacts and encountering ship loads of trouble along the way.

It does not need to be an overcomplicated story. Just simply a woman and her droids exploring the galaxy and paying back her debts.

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