10 Disney Supporting Stars That Need Their Own Movie

8. The Castle Staff

The Genie Aladdin

The staff at the Beast's castle had a bit of a rough ride. They served the prince pre-transformation and, as punishment, they are all themselves transformed into household items, penance for his rudeness.

Seems a bit unfair but ok then.

They then spend years in this form, hovering somewhere between life and death, attempting to do what they can to stave off madness. Which they seem to do by practicing lavish musical numbers and choreography, much to Belle's delight on her arrival.

But who are these people? Once the spell is lifted and they transform back into human form, how do they deal with the shock of becoming human again, as the song says? There could either be an exploration of them refinding their humanity, or even the tale of how they came to be in the Prince's service.

As the long, sad history of the French monarchy probably meant that these characters did not find a happy ending, perhaps the latter would make for a more enjoyable tale. Though they were punished for their service by the witch who cast the spell, how they came to be in the Prince's service is a tale to be told. Mrs. Pott's, for example, lives in the castle with her children - why?

What did Lumiere do, other than work his way through the women of the kingdom, to end up with the Prince?

There are dozens of characters ready and waiting with stories to be told there!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick