10 Disney Villains You Actually Root For

1. Syndrome

Appeared in: The Incredibles (2004) No, eagle-eyed readers, Syndrome isn't exactly a Disney villain but Pixar's long-held partnership with the House of Mouse makes him as good as one, meaning he can swoop down in his cape and rocket boots to take the top spot of our list. But why is he the Disney villain you most root for? Firstly, apart from being Pixar's standout bad guy, you have to feel sorry for the fella when he's shunned by his idol Mr Incredible when he just wanted to help out. Yet the big reason you side with Syndrome is because, even after he becomes a fully-fledged felon (complete with secret lair and robot minions), he has the most generous evil plan of any villain ever - to make everyone super-powered. What a world that would be! Sure, he had to kill a few superheroes to get to this point and it is all part of his vendetta against Mr Incredible but you can't say you wouldn't like to see such a plan come to fruition. Really, the Incredibles are just selfishly protecting the superhero elite and keeping us powerless proles underfoot. Go Syndrome! Like our choices? Or do you think the killer of Bambi's mum should have been on here (you heartless weirdo)? Leave your thoughts in the comments!
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