10 Disturbing Life Lessons Disney Movies Teaches You

2. Evil Is Obvious And Bad Guys Never Win

131 This is the problem I have with Disney films because it has affected our culture more than anyone seems to realize. I cannot speak to my worldwide readers, but to the America of my generation I say almost none of you seem to know what true evil is. Ever heard the old saying, "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was making you believe he doesn't exist." If you saw The Usual Suspects than you did. Kids today in America have no idea just how much that old saying applies to them. To our grandparents evil was a sadistic man who wanted to "purify" the world through genocide, to our parents evil was the iron curtain ever widening its dark grip, and to us evil is animal testing or, worse, people who don't recycle. I really don't get it. Have these kids never read a history book before? What is the American public school system doing? Or do we have Disney to blame? In Disney films the villain is always painfully obviously evil. They are almost always very ugly or extremely unattractive, and never win. Real life could not be any more different. The true face of evil is subtle and cunning; it doesn't want to be noticed because then it would have to fight. Better to move in the shadows of ignorance. I swear, most Americans would follow Satan right off a cliff if he showed up clean-shaven, well dressed, and talked to them smoothly. Wake up. Evil is never obvious and if you don't pay attention it will win.
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation