10 Dream MCU Projects Disney Will (Probably) Never Make

2. New Avengers (Marvel's Illuminati)

New Avengers Illuminati Everything Dies
Marvel Comics

The MCU has already pooled a ton of material from Jonathan Hickman's Avengers comics, but it's so far omitted the coolest part of all - the arc revolving around the Illuminati.

For added context, the Illuminati in the Marvel universe are a team comprised of the smartest minds in the superhero community. Among their ranks include Black Panther, Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Stephen Strange, Black Bolt and Namor, and Hickman's arc sees them engaged in a world-ending conspiracy that also happens to be the most epic thing Marvel has published over the last decade.

The basic premise of the comic revolves around multiversal 'incursions' - huge, terrifying anomalies that smash realities together and threaten to leave both destroyed. It's high-concept, big on scale and tension and features an incredible pay-off at the end.

Be that as it may, it would take Marvel years to build to such an arc, and without Tony Stark and Steve Rogers to play against, two of the most important pieces on the board are no longer present.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.