10 Dumb Movies With Genius Plot Twists

1. Edward Is Actually A Life-Size Puppet - Dead Silence

Saw V

James Wan's follow-up to Saw came and went without a peep, with critics largely dismissing it for being a limp, cliched mystery-horror film.

But writer Leigh Whannell at least had the good sense to drop a brilliantly bats**t plot twist in at the last minute, where it's revealed that protagonist Jamie's (Ryan Kwanten) wheelchair-bound father Edward (Bob Gunton) has in fact been dead for the entire movie.

His presence in the movie is actually a result of his possessed wife Ella (Amber Valletta) using his hollowed-out body as a ventriloquist dummy. Yup.

It's the sort of swinging-for-the-fences, smart-dumb capper this otherwise genuinely dumb movie needed, with Edward's body having been converted into a wooden chassis, allowing Ella to "operate" his mouth movements, while seemingly finding a way to sound like Bob Gunton at the same time.

It's a twist that falls apart the second you consider it within our own tangible reality, but inside the movie's own hermetically sealed world, it gets all the points for its demented, unforgettable originality.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.