10 Dumb Movies With Genius Plot Twists

2. Doofy Is The Killer - Scary Movie

Saw V
Dimension Films

Of all the movies on this list, Scary Movie is surely the one most eager to admit its own stupidity, serving as a delightfully dumb parody of numerous horror movies as it does.

But as much as the film is focused on laughs rather than genuine scares or shocks, it does nevertheless deliver a genuine WTF moment of a final plot twist.

At the end, it's revealed that the Ghostface-esque killer is none other than Buffy's (Shannon Elizabeth) mentally challenged brother, Special Officer Doofy (Dave Sheridan).

While on one hand the reveal is a sure thumbing of the nose at both the Scream series and the ending of The Usual Suspects, it works on its own merits for one reason - Dave Sheridan's performance as Doofy is so damn convincing.

Seeing him drop the disabled act and reveal his decidedly more handsome mug seconds before he drives off into the night with reporter Gail Hailstorm (Cheri Oteri) makes for a twist more surprising and well-executed than most serious-minded horrors.

Scary Movie operates on such a lowest common denominator level for most of its runtime that nobody saw such a brilliantly devious "gotcha!" coming.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.