10 Dumbest Decisions Ever Made By MCU Heroes

5. Nick Fury Didn't Call Captain Marvel Sooner

Marvel Studios

The movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe don’t run in chronological order, and never have done since the release of Captain America: The First Avenger. In 2019, Captain Marvel released as another MCU prequel, and it brought up a lot of questions regarding the overall timeline. In particular, Nick Fury’s timeline.

Fans of the MCU had been aware of the Avengers Initiative ever since the post-credit scene of Iron Man in 2008, with the team first being brought together in 2012.

Seven years later, Captain Marvel confirmed that he came up with the initiative way back in 1995, and had just done nothing with it for over a decade.

What’s more confusing is that he knew of Carol Danvers, knew how powerful she was, and knew how to get in touch with her. Since 1995 he had this trump card up his sleeve, and yet didn’t play it until Thanos snapped his fingers.

Carol herself said the pager she gave him was for emergencies only, and the snap certainly fell into that category. However, did Nick Fury really not class an alien invasion, led by a powerful demigod from the other side of space, in possession of a magic stick that allowed him to control anyone he touched, who wanted to step on Earth like a boot on an ant, as an emergency?

What possible reason could he have had for not bringing Captain Marvel to the Battle of New York?


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.