10 Dumbest Decisions In DCEU History

1. The Mother Boxes Were All Hidden On Earth

Superman Batman Dawn of Justice
Warner Bros.

During Justice League, both the theatrical version and the Snyder Cut, there is a history lesson around the midway mark from Diana to Bruce and the entire audience. This was a great way to spice up the exposition that was the lore of the Mother Boxes.

In the theatrical version it was Steppenwolf, while in the Snyder Cut it was Darkseid, but in both versions the point remains the same. The tribes of Men, the Amazonians, Atlanteans, Old Gods, and helpers from beyond the stars all joined together to protect the Mother Box and save the planet. Possibly the universe.

To keep the planet safe, it was imperative that these three Mother Boxes were never ever put together again, giving any invading conquerors no chance of creating the Unity and the unparalleled power it would produce. Why then did these forces not come together to make a smarter plan than to keep all three on the same planet?

Give one to the Old Gods perhaps. Surely the likes of Ares and Zeus would have protected the Box better than the Atlanteans did? Or send one into space with the Green Lantern Corps. At the very least, make it more difficult to track down all three, instead of keeping them, within the realms of the entire universe, as close to each other as physically possible.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.