10 Dumbest Decisions In DCEU History

8. Harley Quinn Blew Up Ace Chemicals

Superman Batman Dawn of Justice
Warner Bros. Pictures

Even in the sh*tshow that has been the majority of the DC Extended Universe, Harley Quinn has managed to emerge from the mess as one of the most popular characters in the entire franchise. She genuinely may be the most popular, even more so than the holy trinity.

Coming off the back of easily being the best thing about David Ayer’s Suicide Squad, Harley was given her own movie in Birds of Prey. This continued her story after breaking up with the Joker and allowed her to be a strong, independent woman instead of just ‘Joker’s girlfriend’.

There were however, perks to being the Joker’s girlfriend. Harley had a habit of pissing off the wrong people, Roman Sionis included. But he could never retaliate or touch even a hair on her head for fear of what the Joker would do to him if he did. This all changed when Harley and her Puddin' broke up.

It was a smart move on Harley’s behalf in keeping the break up a secret, but it didn’t last long. Everyone knew that Ace Chemicals was their sacred place, so when Harley blew it up, she essentially declared open season on herself and painted a HUGE target on her back. The rest of the movie’s events, and all the people trying to kill her, were a direct result of her drunkenly destroying Ace Chemicals.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.