10 Dumbest Decisions In DCEU History

6. Amanda Waller Sacrificed Rick Flag & Harley Quinn

Superman Batman Dawn of Justice
Warner Bros.

In the build-up to The Suicide Squad in 2021, no one was quite sure whether the movie was to be a sequel or a remake. Suicide Squad had released just five years earlier, and even the likes of James Gunn were incredibly unclear about what exactly the movie was.

Realistically it appeared to be more of a sequel than anything. Rick Flag, Harley Quinn, and Captain Boomerang all had a relationship with each other, it just felt that the entire Task Force X project had evolved. Saying that, it didn’t appear that Amanda Waller had learned an awful lot.

Task Force X was split into two teams to attack the island of Corto Maltese. Team One was the distraction to take the entire army over to one side of the island, while Team Two infiltrated on the other side completely unseen. It was essentially the plan for all of Team One to perish, so why on Earth did Waller send Flag and Quinn with them?

The former was a leader of the team, her right hand man, and was the only one with any chance of controlling the kind of people that made up the Suicide Squad, and while Harley was a complete loose cannon, both were instrumental in saving Waller and defeating Enchantress some years earlier. It just doesn’t make sense to sacrifice them needlessly, and had they not managed to meet up with Team Two, who knows if they would have been successful in stopping Starro.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.