10 Dumbest Decisions In Fantasy Movie History

1. Capturing King Kong - King Kong

The Mummy
Universal Studios

Imagine for a moment that King Kong really exists.

Imagine you've made a long journey to somewhere called "Skull Island", only to be attacked by cannibalistic natives that worship a 25 feet tall ape. Then imagine standing face to face with that huge, powerful creature, and deciding that you're going to capture and ferry him halfway across the world.

Well, that's exactly what filmmaker Carl Denham did, with disastrous results.

Bringing a creature so large and unpredictable to a place as heavily populated as New York was a decision fuelled entirely by greed, and it was plain that Denham didn't think about anything other than the dollar signs in his eyes.

Unfortunately, Kong's big city appearance went about as well as could be imagined. Breaking free, Kong rampages across the city, searching for Ann Darrow, the woman who had been kind to him back on Skull Island, and he takes her to the top of the Empire State Building before being gunned down by aircraft in one of cinema's most iconic scenes.

It's hard to decide whether Denham's dumbest decision was kidnapping Kong in the first place, or the flimsy chains he used to restrain him, but either way, it was epically stupid.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.