10 Dumbest Decisions In Fantasy Movie History

2. Eating The Grape - Pan's Labyrinth

The Mummy
Warner Bros.

Another example of a character blatantly ignoring the warnings of someone smarter and wiser than themselves comes in the form of Spanish-language fantasy classic Pan's Labyrinth.

In order to prove herself as the long-lost princess of the underground realm, young Ofelia must complete three tasks given to her by the faun that guards the realm's entrance. Though she completes the first task without a hitch, the second proves more difficult: she must retrieve a golden dagger from the lair of a monster. The faun warns her not to touch the feast laid out in the monster's lair, and that she must simply take the dagger and return as quickly as possible.

Despite the simple instructions, Ofelia dawdles in the lair, despite the pale child-eating monster sitting at the table with a pair of eyeballs on the plate before him. Seeing some grapes among the feast, she reaches out and takes one, ignoring the faun's previous warning and the fairies at her shoulder telling her to leave it. This wakes the monster, who chases after her, and she narrowly escapes with her life.

This one isn't just dumb for the disregard of several warnings, but also for how Ofelia almost bungled such a simple task.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.