10 Dumbest Decisions In Fantasy Movie History

7. Cheating - Jumanji

The Mummy
TriStar Pictures

Jumanji is much more than a game.

While Alan Parrish might not have known this when he first started playing, he soon found out after being sucked into the jungles of Jumanji, where he remained for 26 years before being freed by young Judy and Peter Shepherd continuing the game started so many years before.

And if Parrish's extended stay inside the board game wasn't enough to let the young Shepherd siblings know just how dangerous Jumanji is, they soon release a host of dangerous plants and a stampede of jungle animals.

But despite all this, Peter decides that in order to end the game sooner, a little creative gameplay is in order. He tries to cheat his roll, and the game responds by transforming him into a monkey.

While his intentions were certainly noble, it's hard to see just how this might have seemed like a good idea. To be entirely fair, though, he actually got off quite lightly with his tail and rapid hair growth.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.