10 Dumbest Decisions In The Fast And Furious Saga

8. Dom Reveals His Hand In The Desert

Hunting down the guy who killed Letty in 2009's definite-article-free Fast & Furious, Dom winds up in what amounts to a stand-off with members of a drug cartel in the middle of the desert on the US-Mexico border.

Once they have driven through collapsing tunnels under the border, with a few tons of heroin, Dom openly confronts Fenix, the cartel leader's right hand man. He reveals his connection to Letty, who previously drove for them, and leaves no uncertainty about who he suspects and what he is going to do for revenge.

But wait, there's more!

This is actually a double dumb decision, from both parties. Rather than play it cool and either a) take Dom out on the spot, with his gun, or b) keep his mouth shut and pretend like he never knew the woman who is clearly Dom's lifelong snugglebunny, Fenix outright admits to killing Letty.

Sure, maybe the cartel members were going to kill all their drivers anyway, and maybe Dom knew this and thus figured there was no harm in telling them every single thing he knew and sought revenge for, but it's not exactly a wise move when it comes to the possibility of getting away clean.

Thankfully for them, good fortune intervened, as is its habit.


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