10 Dumbest Decisions Made By Final Girls In Horror Movies

7. Jess Doesn't Leave The House When The Cops Tell Her To - Black Christmas (1974)

Scream 2 Hallie
Warner Bros.

The original Black Christmas' protagonist Jess (Olivia Hussey) may be the film's sole survivor - as far as we know, anyway - yet she did her level-best to ensure otherwise.

In the climax, Sgt. Nash (Doug McGrath) informs Jess that the killer's menacing calls have been coming from inside the sorority house, before imploring her to leave the house immediately.

Yet rather than exert an iota of self-preservation, Jess decides instead to gingerly venture upstairs while shouting out for her missing friends Barb (Margot Kidder) and Phyl (Andrea Martin).

Jess' selfless concern for her friends is laudable, but also stupid. Predictably, once upstairs she both discovers Barb and Phyl's corpses before coming face-to-face with the killer, from who she only barely escapes.

She should've been out the front door within seconds of Sgt. Nash telling her where the calls were coming from, but alas she stuck around and suffered for it.

And though Jess is technically still alive at film's end, considering the implication that the killer is still skulking around in the attic, her decision not to exit the house has probably sealed her fate regardless.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.