10 Dumbest Ever Horror Movie Protagonists

7. Barbra Cole - Night Of The Living Dead


Defining Dumb Moment: Acting like such a hysterical bint in the zombie apocalypse that it gets her killed.

First things first, let’s recognise that the world is being overtaken by the living dead can be a traumatising time even for the hardiest of souls. That said there are times in one’s life when you just have to pick yourself up and get on with it, zombie apocalypse or not.

Damsel in distress Barbra seems incapable of this, however, and spends most of Night of the Living Dead proving herself the dictionary definition of incompetence. Seriously, within less than five minutes of realising the dead have risen Barbra has already lost both of her shoes and crashed a car into a tree and that’s when she’s dealing with just one lone zombie dude.

Later, in a fleeting moment of good judgement, Barbra finally proves a tad useful when she tries to prevent a zombie horde from entering the house she and her fellow survivors are hiding in. Soon enough though she gets distracted by her distinctly dead-looking brother Johnny but seems too dumb to discern that he’s a zombie now.

That’s despite not having seen Johnny since he, you know, DIED at the start of the film and despite the fact he’s now hanging around with a horde of his new undead friends who help him carry Barbra away and devour her.

Come to think of it, it’s probably for the best she got gobbled up by the living dead: she’d have made for a pretty dumb zombie too.


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