10 Early Predictions For 2018's Best Picture Oscar Nominees

8. Phantom Thread

Paul Thomas Anderson Daniel Day Lewis

Why It Will Be Nominated: Paul Thomas Anderson's upcoming fashion drama will reportedly be Daniel Day-Lewis' final ever acting role, which combined with the fact that four of DDL's last ten movies have been nominated for Best Picture makes it pretty damn likely his latest will follow suit.

Plus, with the film reportedly being a biopic of fashion legend Charles James, it's got the biographical angle working for it, which is usually pretty Oscar-friendly (as long as the movie is actually good, of course).

Why It Might Not: Paul Thomas Anderson is pretty hot-and-cold with the Academy, and to date only one of his movies (There Will Be Blood) has been nominated for Best Picture.

And, well, there's the not-very-likely possibility that the film just isn't Best Picture caliber...as you remember that The Blind Side and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close are both past Best Picture nominees...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.