10 Easter Eggs You Didn't Notice In Marvel Phase 2

6. The Punisher Reference - All Hail The King

Marvel have never let up with their hidden content, even in their less-important works such as the One-Shot short films attached to the home video releases of their movies. For the recent All Hail the King, which follows Trevor Slattery following his incarceration in Seagate Prison, there is a sly if rather interesting easter egg featured when we catch a glimpse at a number of the prison's other inmates, and in particular get a look at their names, which are conveniently (if rather non-sensically) printed above their cells. The one that garners the most interest is Luis Allegre, a comic book character who is a member of the crime organisation known as The Maggia, and is also part of the Costa family, the very same one who killed Frank Castle's family and caused him to become The Punisher. Though this likely isn't anything more than Drew Pearce just being a fan of the vengeful superhero, it's still a fun way to link the MCU to the character, whether it's a reference to any of the previous movies, any future movie, or just the comic book itself.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.