10 Easy Steps To Save Will Smith's Career

7. Return To The Characters We Love

Suicide Squad Will Smith Deadshot
Columbia Pictures

The good news is this: Smith already has a funny film on his slate, by the name of Bad Boys For Life. Teaming up with Martin Lawrence again for this buddy cop comedy sequel was a great decision from Smith, which will allow nostalgic fans another chance to see Smith blending action, drama and laughs like few other Hollywood stars can manage.

Seeing Smith alongside Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum in the touted Men In Black/Jump Street crossover film would be a hoot. And is a Fresh Prince event series with Smith shunted into the fatherly role too much to hope for? Heck, even Hitch 2 could be fun; you can imagine the love doctor's particular set of skills getting a totally different reception these days.


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.