10 Embarrassing Superhero Movies Hollywood Wants You To Forget

3. Nick Fury: Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1998)

Nick furyStarring: David Hasselhoff Long before Nick Fury became Samuel L Jackson on the page, and Jackson reciprocated on screen, Marvel made a fairly ham-fisted attempt at bringing the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. to the screen, only with an altogether different type of bad-ass in the lead role. Rather than casting with authenticity in mind, they chose to cast Baywatch babe David Hasselhoff in the made-for-TV movie Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. There appears to be little reason for the film, perhaps other than to give Hasselhoff something to do before he was put out to pasture (before reappearing as an embarrassing self-parody on British TV), though it wasn't as universally hated as it should have been, largely because it was written - rather unthinkably - by David S Goyer. Hasselhoff's presentation of the character was actually pretty spot on: he plays a retired Fury who hammers his walls for some reason and beats up anyone who visits his cave mercilessly as a greeting. But there is something very cheap about the whole thing, which is perhaps why it took 10 years to get a DVD release. http://youtu.be/joZODFleOaA
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