10 Embarrassing Superhero Movies Hollywood Wants You To Forget

4. The Incredible Hulk Returns (1988)

Incredible Hulk ReturnsStarring: Bill Bixby, Lou Ferrigno & Eric Kramer Though some people will insist until they're green in the face that the original Hulk TV series - and the few TV movies it inspired - was an absolute classic, I defy anyone to go back now and really enjoy it without any sense of irony. Times have moved on, and the kitsch, camp appeal of the Bixby TV show can't really compete, even if some would also argue that this take on the character was better than both of the stand-alone movie adaptations. This first of three TV movies (ahead of Trial Of The Incredible Hulk in 1989 and Death Of The Incredible Hulk in 1990) was actually intended as a pilot for a potential Thor TV series, and featured Dr David Bruce Banner close to curing his Hulk problem, before he meets Thor in a ridiculous turn of events that results in a battle between big green and the Norse god. Sadly Kramer's Thor was horribly over the top and didn't fit the more "realistic" approach in the Hulk, and the film just goes downhill from there. http://youtu.be/tWmHEF_PT8E
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