10 Epic Movie Villains That Were Teased (But Never Happened)

2. Darkseid - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Batman V Superman Darkseid
Warner Bros. & DC

The Tease

One of Batman v Superman's most memorable moments was the visually dazzling "Knightmare" sequence, a horrific premonition in which Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) witnesses a future apocalypse at the hands of none other than all-timer DC baddie Darkseid, as indicated by his distinctive omega symbol burned into the wasteland.

Back when Justice League was intended to be a two-part story, the plan was for Steppenwolf (Ciaran Hinds) to serve as the antagonist in part one, only for his nephew Darkseid to descend upon Earth in part two.

Naturally, DC fans were pumped to see the brand's equivalent of Thanos finally show up to battle the Justice League. What could possibly go wrong?

Why It Never Happened

The overwhelmingly negative response to Batman v Superman from both fans and critics caused Warner Bros. to get twitchy and scale-back their strict plans for the DCEU's future.

Justice League was reconfigured into a self-contained story, and despite actor Ray Porter being cast as Darkseid, the character was entirely eliminated from even being teased in the movie.

With the DCEU currently in a huge state of disarray, and its more standalone ventures proving far more successful than the team-ups, it's highly unlikely we're actually going to get a Justice League sequel - at least with the prior elements in play.

It's definitely possible that Darkseid appears in a future DCEU film once Warner Bros. has successfully reset the table with regard to Superman - given that Henry Cavill is likely on his way out - but for all intents and purposes, it will be as though the Knightmare scenario was never even teased in the first place.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.