10 Epic Movie Villains That Were Teased (But Never Happened)

10. Mister Sinister - X-Men: Apocalypse

X Men Apocalypse Mister Sinister
Fox & Marvel Comics

The Tease

Iconic X-Men supervillain Nathaniel Essex aka Mister Sinister has been on fans' wishlist for the movie treatment for quite some time, and their prayers appeared to be answered after the post-credits scene for X-Men: Apocalypse implied the impending presence of the Essex Corp.

Why It Never Happened

Despite X-Men writer-producer Simon Kinberg's noted enthusiasm for the character and Bryan Cranston expressing his desire to play Mister Sinister, his X-Men movie debut was continually delayed until it ended up being quietly cancelled.

Essex was originally set to make his fully-fledged debut in Logan, yet this was eventually nixed due to clashing with the film's gritty, "grounded" tone.

Then subsequent reports emerged that a post-credits scene for The New Mutants had been filmed, with Jon Hamm making a cameo as Essex, only for Fox to scrap this in favour of an unspecified cameo featuring Antonio Banderas.

Naturally, with Fox's X-Men franchise imminently due to close up shop, it's safe to say there's no chance of fans seeing Mister Sinister on the big screen until the brand is incorporated into the MCU some time from now.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.