10 Epic Movie Villains That Were Teased (But Never Happened)

9. Sinestro - Green Lantern

Sinestro Yellow
Warner Bros.

The Tease

In Green Lantern's mid-credits scene, Hal Jordan's (Ryan Reynolds) stern mentor Sinestro (Mark Strong) is shown donning the dangerous yellow ring, which in turn grants him his iconic yellow suit from the comics, blatantly suggesting he'll return as the sequel's main villain.

Why It Never Happened

Quite simply, Green Lantern was a critical and commercial dud, ensuring that Warner Bros.' interest in making a sequel quickly evaporated.

The studio did eventually green-light a Green Lantern reboot as part of the DC Extended Universe, but given the franchise's present instability, it seems incredibly unlikely to actually see the light of day.

It's probable Green Lantern will get a big-budget reboot at some point, but if you were looking forward to seeing Mark Strong reprise the fan favourite villain, you're most certainly out of luck.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.