10 Epic Movie Villains That Were Teased (But Never Happened)

6. Lord Zedd - Power Rangers

Power Rangers Rita Zedd
Lionsgate & Saban

The Tease

2017's surprisingly-pretty-good Power Rangers reboot concluded with hammy villain Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks) being pimp-slapped into space by the collective might of the Megazord.

The last time the audience sees Rita, she's frozen in space, which to fans of the original TV series made a pretty clear hint - that in the sequel she was going to be resurrected by her grotesquely vascular buddy Lord Zedd.

In the show, Zedd was a space-faring monster and by far the Power Rangers' most imposing foe, enough that parents complained about his frightening appearance, resulting in him being toned down and camped-up.

And if Rita taking an unwilling trip into space wasn't enough of a clue, director Dean Israelite himself has also attested his enthusiasm for featuring Zedd in a sequel.

Why It Never Happened

Power Rangers scored mixed critical reviews yet seemed to go down well enough with fans of the original, even if it ultimately failed to win over a new generation.

Despite its box office failure, though, merchandise and home video sales were strong enough that hope still lingered for a sequel, and Hasbro reiterated their interest in producing a follow-up earlier this year.

Still, the numbers make it extremely unlikely, to say nothing of cast members like Naomi Scott and Dacre Montgomery moving onto far more successful projects such as Aladdin and Stranger Things respectively.

This doesn't entirely discount the possibility of a new Power Rangers movie being made within a few years, but even if it does include Zedd, it'll likely have nothing to do with the 2017 iteration.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.