10 Essential Movie Tips To Make You Win At Business

5. Go To Great Lengths To Not Let Your Enemies Know You Hate Them So Much (The Wolverine)

5 Hating Enemies If we can take anything even remotely substantial away from The Wolverine or similar movies, it's that we shouldn't show up in a mad rage calling people involved in our family's business endeavors "God's mistake" after frowning at them every time we see them. Everyone knows that if you want to successfully take advantage of another human being, you have to smooth-talk them and make them feel pleasant before eventually jerking the rug out from under them€”quickly or gradually€”and taking everything away that they ever held dear. It's no wonder Shingen wasn't the go-to guy in the Yashida family. Business has to be much smoother than swinging weapons around. Very outstanding acting, but not the most subtle business decorum when you think about it.

Ian Boucher is many things when he is not writing for WhatCulture.com -- explorer, friend of nature, and librarian. He enjoys stories of many kinds and is fascinated with what different mediums can bring to them. He has developed particular affections for movies and comic books, especially the ones that need more attention, taking them absolutely seriously with a sense of humor. He constantly strives to build his understanding of the relationships between world cultures, messages, and audiences.