10 Essential Movies Quentin Tarantino Demands You See

8. The Great Escape

It was only a matter of time before Quentin Tarantino tried his hand at a war movie - the result, Inglorious Basterds, was an entertaining if somewhat uneven affair with commendable performances - especially from Christoph Waltz - and some typical moments of Tarantino excess. While there are certainly more probing and shocking war movies out there, Tarantino has always been a filmmaker more concerned with entertaining than with offering a deep insight into an issue, so his pick of The Great Escape sits well with his own cinematic output. The story of a mass escape from a POW camp in Nazi Germany certainly has a Boys' Own feel to it which is present in Inglorious Basterds. €œThat€™s one of the most entertaining movies ever made and was kind of the touchstone goal for Inglourious Basterds to one degree or another... Make a World War II movie that€™s just entertaining, that you just enjoy watching the movie.€

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