10 Essential Movies Quentin Tarantino Demands You See

7. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

It's easy for contemporary audiences to forget just how much the Western genre was a staple of the movie-going experience for so many years - when Howard Hawks wasn't making screwball comedies like His Girl Friday he was churning out cowboys and Indians epics along with filmmakers like John Ford. When it came to reinventing the Western in the 1960s onwards, ironically it was an Italian filmmaker who took the genre in radical new directions. Sergio Leone's Dollars trilogy marked the arrival of the Spaghetti Western, which had as much in common with the samurai movies of Akira Kurosawa as it did the American Westerns starring the likes of John Wayne. Tarantino's top pick, The Good, The Bad And The Ugly finished off Leone's Dollars trilogy in style, and you can see the influence on Django Unchained in the long shots, the beautiful use of landscape and the sudden outbursts of uncontrolled rage and violence.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.