8. Blind Al

When youre a single man whos only mode of income is volatile contract work, it goes without saying that you arent really going to be getting many mortgage offers from a bank. At least not anytime after 2008. Youre going to be renting, son and likely with a roommate. For Deadpool, hes always had the trust, loyalty and affection and by that I mean the indentured scorn and loathing of his roomie Blind Al. An elderly blind woman who simply doesnt take Wades st, Blind Al has been an integral part of the Deadpool universe since some genius decided to make him into a solo hero, and a Deadpool movie would be wise to incorporate that. I mean, think about it you have a young, mutant assassin that is certifiably insane and constantly stocked with sharp and dangerous objects. And who do you team him up with? A blind, take-no-st elderly woman the fact that it hasnt resulted in homicide yet in the comics means it must be the recipe for hilarity. Everybody needs friends, and this random selection from Wade Wilsons Facebook would make for some brilliantly awkward moments on film. But Blind Al isnt the only friend of Wades we need to see in a prospective Deadpool movie....