10 Events That Changed Star Wars Forever

7. Chancellor Valorum Can't Resolve The Trade Federation's Naboo Invasion

Star Wars The Phantom Menace Qui Gon Shmi

Unsurprisingly, many of the events that go down in the first Episode of the Skywalker Saga ended up having one hell of an impact on the rest of the Star Wars story that was told across the subsequent entries.

Perhaps one of the most overlooked occurrences that would ultimately shape the often jaw-dropping future to come, though, comes in the form of Finis Valorum's inability to resolve the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo during The Phantom Menace.

Had Valorum been willing to offer aid to Naboo in their time of need, rather than simply buckle under the pressure sent his way by the likes of the Trade Federation and Malastare senators to appoint a commission to investigate these allegations, then it's highly unlikely Queen Amidala would've been convinced by Sheev Palpatine to call for a Vote of No Confidence in his leadership.

But his strength did of course disappear, and it was that subsequent Vote of No Confidence that resulted in his removal from office, a move that would set the stage for Palps to be elected the new Supreme Chancellor; and we all know how that turned out...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...