10 Exact Moments Films Made You Fall In Love With Them

1. Technicolor - The Wizard Of Oz

The Sound Of Music

Part of the reason why The Wizard of Oz became an instant classic was because of how ahead of its time it was, and has since remained an ageless film. At the time of its cinematic release, very few movies bragged such enchanting cinematography, which is what left audiences spellbound by the land of Oz.

The moment to highlight this is when Dorothy and Toto are blown away by the tornado and swept away from Kansas. Up until this point, we had only seen the film in the sepia tone, in which the lead heroine has just performed her “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” ballad, after feeling isolated and stifled in her home setting. As the house finally lands on the ground, Dorothy opens the front door to an unexpected technicolor world. It’s a beautiful setting with visuals that pop, and a massive juxtaposition from her seemingly drab homelife. To highlight the transition is her famous line “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore”.

There have been endless accounts of audiences in 1939, young and old, who literally gasped with widened eyes in amazement as Dorothy opened the door to a completely different world, and it still achieves that same reaction when people watch The Wizard of Oz for the first time. With a seamless shift in tone, it became a cornerstone in cinema and made us fall in love with that special place over the rainbow.

Quiz: How Well Do You Remember The Sound Of Music?

The Sound Of Music
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1. The Sound Of Music Was Based On A True Story.


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