10 EXACT Moments Movies Self-Destructed

3. Nuking The Fridge - Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Die Another Day Pierce Brosnan
Lucasfilm Ltd.

If you recall when the fourth Indiana Jones movie was first released, all anybody could talk about was the infamous "nuking the fridge" scene, where Indy (Harrison Ford) ends up in a 1950s model town just as it's about to be decimated by a nuclear test explosion.

However, Indy has the "smart" idea to climb inside a fridge, which inexplicably shields him from the blast, enough that when the dust has settled, he steps out completely unscathed.

Even ignoring the fact that the fridge was catapulted through the air at high speed, the film's insistent close-up which reveals the fridge to be lead-lined doesn't persuade that it or its occupant would withstand the massive force of a nuclear blast.

And then there's the radiation, even if in fairness we do see Indy getting a scrub-down in the very next scene.

All the same, this took Indy's plot armour to plausibility-snapping levels, and while the franchise has never been realistic, having Indy survive such an assuredly fatal scenario was a step too far for many fans.

Even 15 years later, "nuking the fridge" remains a popular term for when a movie, well, self-destructs.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.