10 Exact Moments Recent Movies Won Us Over

7. The Bully's Death - M3GAN

The Super Mario Bros Movie Bowser

When M3GAN was first announced, it wasn't quite clear how self-aware it would be, though the trailers seemed to suggest that it had a fair sense of humour about itself.

That was thankfully the case, and though the tame PG-13 rating ultimately placed a ceiling on how much gory fun it could truly be, the film nevertheless found an unhinged niche of its own.

This was typified by the outrageously funny mid-film scene where Brandon (Jack Cassidy), a boy who has been bullying M3GAN's owner Cady (Violet McGraw), gets his just deserts courtesy of the pint-sized android.

After Brandon accosts M3GAN, she rips his ear off and chases him through the forest like a feral beast, at which point he trips and falls into the nearby road, where he's fatally creamed by a passing car.

Movie studios are averse to killing kids on-screen, even in horror movies - and especially in PG-13 ones - yet M3GAN dared to go there, and went there in the most hilariously campy manner possible.

At this point, there was no doubt that it was a film that knew precisely what it was - and also what it needed to be.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.