10 Exact Moments Recent Movies Won Us Over

6. Good Afternoon! - Spirited

The Super Mario Bros Movie Bowser
Apple TV+

Apple's musical adaptation of A Christmas Carol, Spirited, arrived on such a muted wave of hype that you couldn't be blamed for assuming it wouldn't be any good.

And while the first half of the movie is amiable enough, it isn't until the mid-film rendition of "Good Afternoon" that everything finally seems to click into place.

The Ghost of Christmas Present (Will Ferrell) takes the apparently irredeemable PR mogul Clint (Ryan Reynolds) back to his own past, where he reveals that he was in fact Ebenezer Scrooge.

As the pair sit in a tavern in 19th century England, Clint asks Present why people in this era are offended by the phrase "Good afternoon," after which Present reveals that "good afternoon" was a "sick burn" in the 1800s, not unlike a "f**k you."

And so begins the film's catchiest song, "Good Afternoon," where Clint encourages Present to make liberal use of the old-timey insult, kickstarting a brutal bar fight, before they flood onto the streets and say a rowdy good afternoon to anyone they pass - including Dame Judi Dench!

The bewildering earworm, which honestly should've received a Best Original Song Oscar nomination, marked the point at which Spirited transformed from a not-bad seasonal musical into a genuine yuletide charmer that audiences just might return to every single year.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.