10 Exact Moments We Knew Movie Characters Were Doomed To Die

1. Iron Man's Sacrificial Play - Avengers: Endgame

Avengers Endgame I am Iron Man
Marvel Studios

Unlike a lot of examples on this list so far, Tony Stark's death can be traced back years and movies prior to the one it actually happened in. While the superhero would eventually sacrifice himself to save the universe in 2019's Avengers: Endgame, the seeds were planted all the way back in 2012's The Avengers.

Here, Tony and Steve Rogers butt heads over their opposing views of superheroism. Cap calls Tony out for never being the one to jump on a grenade and make the selfless play, to lay down his life for the greater good. It's an argument born out of Loki's manipulation, but still Tony takes these words to heart, and in the finale makes what appears to be a suicidal act to save the day... but miraculously survives.

Cap's words weren't intended to be a grand thesis for his overall character arc and this final beat could have been the culmination of the point, but that's how they were treated in future movies.

The sentiment returns proper in Endgame, as Tony has committed to his family. When the other Avengers ask for his help, he straight up says that getting back to his family and making sure they're safe comes first. At that point you know Steve's words back in The Avengers about the greater good are going to hold more significance than ever.

Tony has already proven he's willing to do what's right and selflessly step up when needed, and by the end proves it to himself again by dying to save the world.


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