10 Most Exciting Moments In Batman Movies

9. Bat vs Cat - Batman Returns (1992)

Michelle Pfeiffer's sultry turn as Catwoman, not to mention the costume, are one of the most memorable things about Tim Burton's follow-up to his 1989 smash hit. Although the moment where she seductively licks Batman's face is more widely talked about given the overwhelming sexual tension of the situation, their rooftop battle serves as the most exciting confrontation between the two. After back-flipping her way out of a department store towards Batman and the Penguin, Catwoman gives a 'miaow' as the building explodes behind her. Penguin makes his getaway on a helicopter umbrella (as you do), leaving the Dark Knight to pursue the leather-clad femme fatale. Using her gender to gain the upper hand, Catwoman feigns surprise that Batman would strike her to catch him off guard, before ultimately using her sexuality to get close enough to dig a claw into the Caped Crusader after saying she wanted to know 'the man behind the bat'. Of course, this move saw her get slapped off a roof but its safe to say she deserved it considering her claim that 'life's a bitch, now so am I'.

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