Everybody knows Batman's origin story, but it had never been explored on the big screen as thoroughly as it was in Christopher Nolan's first entry in the Dark Knight Trilogy. The movie takes its time in setting up the big reveal, and its almost an hour before we see Batman in all of his glory, but this scene definitely makes it worth the wait. A lone Batarang drops to the ground, spooking the interchangeable henchmen guarding the docks before they freeze in fear at the sight of a shadowy figure descending from above. Dispatching several of the thugs from the shadows, the best reaction comes at the hands of the unfortunate goon that comes face to face with the Dark Knight. Sure, the editing in the hand-to-hand combat makes things a little incomprehensible, but audiences were thrilled when Carmine Falcone is dragged out of his car to get his answer to the question; 'what the hell are you?'. He's the goddamn Batman, that's who.
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